Carmen schreibt :“
Kind of EMERGENCY - Upper medium size male, very old, people knowing him from the streets saying he is more than 15 years old. Worse that being weakened by his age is that he has many rather big tumours all around his penis, they seem Sticker syndrome, but the vets can not exclude other types of tumours. And probably because of this nasty Tumours he could't withdraw his penis at the inside, it remained exposed. Anyway, he was a heart-breaking view, so we admitted him to the clinic where he was helped (his blood samples revealed quite good values for his situation), including with his first dose of Vincristin, antitumoral treatment for Sticker. We will be close to him, but without solutions, probably we will take him back to ecarisaj, if he is stabile of course, where he will continue the treatment and receive help.
Not to forget to tell you that he is a nice boy trying to cooperate and remain opened and trustfull.
Keep in touch.
Thank you very much!“
Ecarisaj , Box 26 , Finley ,Rüde mit Sticker Tumor. 15 Jahre
30. Juni 2024 um 15:23 Hat den Titel des Themas von „Ecarisaj , Box 26 . Rüde mit Sticker Tumor“ zu „Ecarisaj , Box 26 . Rüde mit Sticker Tumor. 15 Jahre“ geändert. -
Carmen schreibt :“
A dear friend named him Finley.
Thank you“
30. Juni 2024 um 15:24 Hat den Titel des Themas von „Ecarisaj , Box 26 . Rüde mit Sticker Tumor. 15 Jahre“ zu „Ecarisaj , Box 26 , Finley ,Rüde mit Sticker Tumor. 15 Jahre“ geändert. -
Die arme Socke.
Hoffentlich kann ihm irgendwie geholfen werden.
So ein armer Schatz. Ich drücke ihm ganz fest die Daumen.
Auch hier werden alle verfügbaren Daumen gedrückt
Der Arme alte Schatz sieht eh schon geplagt aus und der Tumor ist sicher sehr unangenehm an dieser Stelle.
Er kann ihn gar nicht mehr einziehen.
Carmen schreibt :“
Very sad to announce you that Finley is no longer with us...his status got worse or revealed to be worse that we consider in the beggining...he couldn't urinate normally, he almost couldn't stand up, very weakened and in his own world, his penis probably was not inervated anymore and with lesions...all at him showed a great we helped him walk over the rainbow 😥🌈
Another heart-break for this pure Soul and that we couldn't do more...
Sad regards.„
Gute Reise Finley!
So traurig....
Diese Erkrankung war wohl offensichtlich zu schwer, um noch geheilt zu werden. Der arme Hund hat wahrlich genug gelitten.
R.I.P. Finley
Komm gut ins Regenbogenland, Finley 🌈🕯️
Nun haben deine Schmerzen ein Ende.
Ich bin traurig, dass man dir nicht helfen konnte.
Run free, Finley.🌈
Oh nein, ich hatte so gehofft, dass es ihm bald besser geht.
Gute Reise Finley
Gute Reise 🌈 Finley
R.I.P. Finley
Finley, mach´s gut.
🌈 Adieu Finley z
Gute Reise, Finley
1. Juli 2024 um 12:27 Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Hunde in der Ecarisaj nach Abschied... verschoben. -
Für Finley
Gute Reise, altes Seelchen