Ecarisaj Box 094, Jason, schüchterner Rüde, mittelgroß, geb. 2016

  • Zitat von Lia

    UPDATE Ecarisaj 04.05.2024

    Photos & videos:

    - Veteran Jason kennel 94 - Jason has been in the ecarisaj since 05.2018, an eternity :(He was 1.5 years old when he came in, and the ecarisaj is all he knows. He is a bit shy and cautious, but he can be petted nicely, he would just need his chance to get out of here and learn about life, find out what a warm dog bed feels like and how nice it is to have people you can trust. He has never shown the slightest tendency to aggressiveness, he is a delicate sweetie waiting for his chance, a chance that the last 6 years have failed to bring along :(

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  • Ach Mensch! Der arme Knopf ;(

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