Tisha "Der Ruhige"

  • My dear German friends!

    I am Marina - a carer of Tisha and Nord/Baikal - the dogs from our Kozhukhovsky shelter - who were adopted by German families.
    Both these dogs - are rather old (not puppies you know), both of them have lots of health problems.
    And nevertheless - thanks to your efforts - they managed to find beautiful families in Germany!
    Their destiny - if it were not for you - would have been - to die....as Nord is almost blind and Tisha - you know all the problems with him already. And Russians prefer young dogs, not big, nice, without any health problems...and their chances here to be adopted were 0....
    These boys suffered a lot and they lived in hell for so many years.

    That is why - from all my heart - I would like to thank you most sincerily for all your efforts!!!
    For not being afraid to give homes to such dogs!
    For doing all possible - to help them in terms of medical treatment.
    And of course - for that RARE CHANCE - to be a family dog! A member of a family!!!
    To sleep on those nice cushions, to eat good food, to walk in gardens and to meet so great people - as you are!!!
    I am sure that now all their troubles are far away and they+-
    will happily live with their families many, many years!!!



    My dear Birgit!  :wuub:
    I would like to say - that I am really happy to communicate with you!
    And for us it was a great day - when you somehow found our shelter and started to help our dogs.
    I do not like much to say - Russian dogs...these are just dogs - who were unlucky to be born in our country..with no laws protecting animals and that is why - your assistance and support is so valuable for me!! And for our dogs here!!!

    Thank you!!!
    I do hope that with your help - and the help of those great people here - we will save more dogs from Russia!!!


  • Marina ist hier - Jipppppppiiiiihhhhh!!!!! :dance3:

    Dear Marina! :welcome:

    I am so happy that you're here too!!

    And I thank you for your kind words!

    I hope we can find a loving family for lots of dogs from the shelter!

    Let's give you a hug! :kuscheln:

  • Hello Marina :pcwink:

    welcome in this wonderful forum !

    I hardly did anything for Tisha - he was not even here for 48hours .... but due to some lovely friends, he met his new lady and both are now very happy -
    she was "waiting" for such a beautiful dog ! And as we all get older .... we are quite aware, that dogs do too ;)

    Great to have you here with us !

    Regards Coco

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • Dear Marina, :wink:

    I'm delighted you found the way to this German message board. You are very welcome here!

    Perhaps you can recall "Tosja" ? Now she's named DONNA because she promptly appears when called by that name. =)

    She also came from your shelter and in the meantime has adapted astonishingly well to her new surroundings.

    Of course without "Chappy" (Ulla) who has taken Tosja in on April 27 and has nursed her back to health, I would not have such a lovely, sweet-tempered dog.

    Please convey my deepest thanks and respect to all the volunteers who try to make life bearable for the animals.

    Lots of love,

  • Ich habe vorhin ganz kurz mit Birgitta telefoniert und war wieder sehr gerührt.

    Da liegt so viel Liebe in der Luft - einfach nur toll!!

    Tisha ist erst fünf Tage bei ihr, aber er wedelt schon freudig mit dem Schwanz, wenn sie zur Tür rein kommt.

    In der letzten Nacht hat Tisha völlig entspannt durchgeschlafen. Letzte Pipi-Runde um 22.30 Uhr und dann erst wieder heute Morgen um 5 Uhr.

    Die erste Bioresonanz hat er auch schon absolviert und bald geht es an die Zähne...

    Birgitta war in der letzten Woche schon für Tisha Einkaufen und hat ihn für mehrere hundert Euro mit dem "Nötigsten" versorgt :]:]

    Ich glaube, Tisha ist im Himmel!!

  • Guckt mal, Tisha bei seiner ersten Bioresonanz:

    Birgitta sagt, dass sich Tisha schon sehr gut eingelebt hat. Seine Beine zittern nicht mehr so dolle und er bellt jedesmal, wenn sie einen Hund treffen, der ihm nicht so geheuer ist.

  • ...das ist traumhaft !!

    ABER Schock ..ich hab den Thread geöffnet und lese : ich glaube, Tisha ist im Himmel...SCHOCK!!

    ich glaube: Er ist auf dem Himbeersahneplatz den er verdient!!!

    :herzchen: Gisi

  • Dear Susanne!!

    Thank you for Tosya - Donna!!

    She suffered a lot in her life...in this country lots of homeless dogs suffer - they are beaten, humiliated, tortured, people shoot at them for fun and etc..... few of russians sympaphy with homeless dogs prefering to buy bread ones...
    That is why - your assistance with our poor dogs - is so important!
    You know some 3 years ago I could not even imagine I would thank Germans....for anything...

    And the attitude to Germany - was rather a cold (I would say ) one...
    And once I met Andreas Meyer - he came to our company for negotiations we talked a lot...and he just shocked me...he said - I love russians!
    I asked him - are you crazy??? people here are rude, stupid and mostly think how to get more money, more food, more fun..more, more, more...they have little compassion to anyone...they love just themselves...
    I thought - hm...strange german...may be they are not that bad as I thought previously...

    And then my husband and I travelled about Germany...and your country just killed me - I fell in love with Germans and your country....!!! Really!! And your Deutche Bahn - this system is like a space ship!!! Perfect!!!
    And I was again killed by the attitude of Germans to a dog in the subway - lots of people wanted to touch him and he just laid on the floor waiting for a next train with his owner...
    Here you will hardly see people - who want to touch a dog in the situation,,,,
    and your nature!
    and your cities!
    and your friendly people!

    I can write much about your country - I but I guess you know more than me about Germany =)

    and I again thank you - our dear German friends - for helping our dogs!!!!!!

    There are few volunteers in the shelter, everybody is doing their best! We take the dogs out of the shelter to foster homes, collect money for those in need and etc....
    but toooooooo many dogs, and tooo few us..

    that is why - your help means SO MUCH!!!
    to all of us!!!

  • Dear Tima!

    In my opinion the attitude people have towards animals in general does not depend on the country where the people live, but rather depends on their education and on their respective character.
    I know Greek, Portugese, Japanese and Polish people who adore their dogs and wouldn't dream of mistreating their beloved dog or cat.
    Additionally I know a few Germans who could do a lot better.

    Donna is literally soaking up all the love and cuddles she is given.
    On the other hand there are times when she retreats completely and doesn't want to be bothered.
    Of course I respect that - each dog is different.

    Please rest assured that she is in good and experienced hands and that I'll do ANYTHING to make her surroundings as pleasant as possible.
    Give me another 6-8 months and I'm sure she'll be a lot more self-conscious :oi:

    The tireless work of the Russian volunteers is very much appreciated.
    If it wasn't for you and your friends the suffering of the incarcerated animals would be even worse.
    So I feel that WE have to thank YOU for all your efforts.

    After all, we're working together - hand in hand - to make life a little bit easier for those who don't stand a chance in this world.

    Thank you for everything and of course you are most welcome to visit Germany again, even though our country also has its shortcomings indeed.


  • ...nothing to be added, Donna !!!!!....

    thanks for these great lines :kuscheln:

    Marina, we are very glad that there are such caring people in all countries, where animals don`t have any rights...

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • ohhh!

    my dear, dear German friends!

    education, temper and etc... - yes...

    but - we live in two different worlds!!!

    among MY FRIENDS volunteers - we call your country - a civilization...
    and ours - Honduras...

    believe me!!! I have seen a lot...in more than 20 countries..

    this is a country - where TV, radio - when it turns to the attitude to homeless dogs, cats etc - shout - kill homelless dogs, you know - that there was a decision of the local government to kill all homeless dogs in Kazan prior to the sports games there...and only joint efforts - russian and assistance from abroad - helped to prevent this vandalizm!

    and this happens daily!!!
    shelters here - are only in Moscow, in all the other parts of Russia - only killings!!!
    in case there is a shelter in some town or city - it's private - crying to help! as few people donate to such shelters...
    and this happens in the country full of oil, gaz, diamonds and etc....!!

    lots of programs on tv showing people beaten by dogs...
    to form the attitude with the audience - homeless = means bad!

    I work for the company with more that 3000 employees....lots of educated colleagues - think (they do not say this but I feel it) - that I am crazy  :D helping, feeding and adopting homeless NOT BREAD dogs!! I found our third dog (at that time he was a puppy of 3/5 months with a bullet in his chest, beaten by big dogs, piroplasmosis) - he sitted RIGHT NEAR the entrance door of our HUGE company...
    and nobody cared!!! nobody,....and he was dying....

    so it's not education or temper - this is something wrong with the hearts of russians....

    not all of course hearts are ruined...but most of the population...

    as propaganda forms disgusting moral guides - buy, spend, eat, dance and etc.
    instead of - open your hearts, please help those in need, show mercy, sympathize!!

    so - we rely on you!
    I rely!!! :dance2:

    when my girls hear - that this or that dog is in Germany - they signed relaxed saying - thanks God! now all will be find with him/her!

  • Dear Tima,

    of course you are right ... countries that are rich in resources could and should do more when it comes to support of the poor - be they human or canine or feline....

    But I'm of the steadfast opinion that most elected politicians (representing the government) first care about their own advantages, their extra security staff, their guarded homes, their bullet-proof automobiles, and their exorbitant salaries PLUS their lifelong pensions. - Once they are in power, they tend to forget us, their "subjects", and everything they promised to achieve in their respective election programs.

    Currently recession is quite real in our country, groceries are becoming more and more expensive, so is gas (petrol) and electricity.
    However, salaries and monthly pensions of normal working people are not increasing but remain the same.
    Interest rates of savings are plummeting at an alarming rate.
    Many people have to take 2 jobs to make ends meet.

    As a result of that, some people may be forced to give up their pet.
    They can do so at an animal shelter, but must pay a fee to cover the basic costs .
    Which - in turn - leads to abandonment of many helpless dogs and cats...
    It's a vicious circle.

    But in contrast to your country:

    Germany has an "animal welfare act"
    It is punishable by law to either abandon or to kill unwanted pets.
    And rightly so!
    You see, many animal shelters are municipal and therefore are subject to bylaws.
    They receive a certain amount of public money per annum - additional donations of private supporters are always welcome and needed.

    But the basic requirement - the pet's right to live and not to be senselessly killed - is secured by this "animal welfare act".

    Isn't there anything like this in Russia?
    Whenever I see photos of Mr. Putin cuddling his dogs I wonder.....
    Mr. Putin and his dogs

  • Oh! My dear friend!!!

    NO, NO, NO!!!!

    In russia - it's not so!!!

    we have NO LAWS - protecting animals!!! NO LAWS!
    this counrty has a 1000 years history - and no such laws were EVER passed!!

    Mr.Putin - can cuddle anobody...............and the country will not improve of it...nor the lives of our animals will be better....

    the country - is TOTALLY corrupted!!!
    all wealth belongs to a group of people close to that person you named....

    in case one or another disagrees with the policy of the government and becomes a real rival to this person - he goes to prison...like Khodorkovsky...

    there is a system of kickbacks here..I will explain - if some company wants to win some tender (government one or some local administration holds it) - the kickback is usually from 30% of the value of the tender...that means - in case a company wins tender and the tender was for 100 euro - 30 euro this company will return to the civil servant - who helped this company to win this tender...

    the same concerns shelters...by the way...
    hospitals, construction work etc....

    my friend immigrated to Germany in 1996....and we decided to compare the prices for food....not long ago...- ours - and we should not forget that this country of full of oil, gas and etc - are much more higher!
    I remeber our eyes - when we bought food or tickets or etc in Germany - the prices were so low as compared to ours...

    and the salaries here are not high - only in Moscow they are so-so, in the regions - they are meager...and actually - it's a big problem to find any job there as factories, plants, farms disappeared after the collapse of the USSR... that is why - everybody tries to get to Moscow as here - the situation with job is ok...as a result of this - there are more than 14 mln people in Moscow... (14 mln people -- can you imagine!!! and so few moscovites - are eager to adopt homeless animals)...

    that is why this phrase is so common - It's hard for ME to live why should I think about these dogs with fleas...???

    if a human being decides here to get rid of his cat or dog - he can throw it away...and there will be no punishment for this...

    some 5 years ago some crazy woman (a young woman - not crazy, all is ok with her physical state) - she killed with a knife a dog - his name was Malchik - who lived near the subway entrance .....and only because people URGED police to do anything - they started criminal procedures and she was puniched...if I am not mistaken - 2 years (conditional sentence)....

    we have here lots of - they call themselves - doghundters!!
    only in the forest I live near - 3 years ago died 7 dogs (not homeless) - as these morons threw poisoned titbits...and those poor dogs ate them... that is why our Timka walks always in the muzzle as he picks up all food he sees....with our girls - the situation is so-so...we have muzzles for them too..but they do not loke muzzles that is why we are like spies follow them each time they sniff something for much time...and we are always afraid of poison which such doghunters throw..

    there is a special map - created in one of the dog sites - with details: places and number of dogs and cats killed...shooted, poisoned and etc....

    and I am not overcoloring!!!
    if I tell you more details...you will be shocked even more...

    so - you help is needed!!


  • Dear Tima,
    what you just wrote really makes me sick and very very angry and is beyond my imagination.

    This is the 21st century, the Middle Ages are long gone..

    Civilized countries acting like barbarians....

    and yet
    - there are people like you and the other volunteers and the members of this forum - who will never stop fighting this abhorrent injustice.

    We'll support you in any way we can.

  • Exactly!!

    the Middle Ages - we are facing here..

    this is a map - as of 2009 - with the indication of all cases...

    I personally added there - 5 dogs....
    as one of these dogs died ON MY HANDS!!! she was poisoned with izoniazid
    and dogs poisoned with this medicine die in terrible sufferings....



    and many other cases...in our forum - there is a special theme - where we discuss and add info on these cruelties..

    that is why - we all are so happy when they go aborad!
    as none dogs are safe here...

    So again - thank you ALL for your assistance and care!!!!

    and I am personally happy - that Nord and Tisha (and all other our dogs) - who had NO CHANCES for adoption here - are now with their great families!!!  :laola:

  • Guckt mal, Tisha bei seiner ersten Bioresonanz:

    Birgitta sagt, dass sich Tisha schon sehr gut eingelebt hat. Seine Beine zittern nicht mehr so dolle und er bellt jedesmal, wenn sie einen Hund treffen, der ihm nicht so geheuer ist.

    Was macht eigentlich Tisha ? Schon so lange nix gehört! Weiß jemand etwas? Würde mich freuen !