Beiträge von Bernadette

    Zitat von Lia

    "UPDATE Ecarisaj 07.04.2024

    - Puppy girls Anna & Elsa - kennel 110 - These two cuties are so heart melting, sensitive sweet girls who are sadly growing up in the ecarisaj. Born in autumn 2023, they are a bit cautious at first but in fact very friendly and enjoying human interaction. The only good thing is that they are together for now, keeping each other company and playing to forget about the sad situation they are in. Tonno, their sweet neighbour in kennel 109 si encouraging them, cuddling with them through the fence, and playing. He doesn't know much about life outside the ecarisaj, but he is like a big brother, showing them that they need to stay positive and hope for better days. We wish all 3 of them a chance to re-live their childhood even though they are no longer the youngest puppies.

    - Welpenmädchen Anna und Elsa - Zwinger 110 - Diese beiden süßen Mädchen sind so herzzerreißende, sensible, süße Mädchen, die traurigerweise in der Ecarisaj aufwachsen. Sie wurden im Herbst 2023 geboren und sind anfangs etwas vorsichtig, aber tatsächlich sehr freundlich und genießen den menschlichen Umgang. Das einzig Gute ist, dass sie vorerst zusammen sind, sich gegenseitig Gesellschaft leisten und spielen, um die traurige Situation, in der sie sich befinden, zu vergessen. Tono, ihr süßer Nachbar im Zwinger 109, ermutigt sie, kuschelt mit ihnen durch den Zaun und spielt. Er weiß nicht viel über das Leben außerhalb der Ecarisaj, aber er ist wie ein großer Bruder, der ihnen zeigt, dass sie positiv bleiben und auf bessere Tage hoffen müssen. Wir wünschen allen dreien eine Chance, ihre Kindheit noch einmal zu erleben, auch wenn sie nicht mehr die jüngsten Welpen sind.

    Photos & videos:…WRkYThseGg5VUpn

    Anna links, Elsa rechts
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    Zitat von Lia

    "UPDATE Ecarisaj 07.04.2024

    Photos & videos:

    - Puppy girls Anna & Elsa - kennel 110 - These two cuties are so heart melting, sensitive sweet girls who are sadly growing up in the ecarisaj. Born in autumn 2023, they are a bit cautious at first but in fact very friendly and enjoying human interaction. The only good thing is that they are together for now, keeping each other company and playing to forget about the sad situation they are in. Tonno, their sweet neighbour in kennel 109 si encouraging them, cuddling with them through the fence, and playing. He doesn't know much about life outside the ecarisaj, but he is like a big brother, showing them that they need to stay positive and hope for better days. We wish all 3 of them a chance to re-live their childhood even though they are no longer the youngest puppies.

    - Molly, Lillifee, Tinkerbell - kennel 140 - A very sad and unfortunately common story, scared puppies grown up in the ecarisaj. Born end of 2022/beginning of 2023, this gang of 3 shy beautiful girls are trying their best to cope with the ecarisaj atmosphere. The ladies are all shy, but Molly and Lillifee are braver than Tinkerbell. They can be petted and they eat treats in our presence. Tinkerbell is the most scared one, and the one who depends the most on her sisters. None of the girls are aggressive and at least for now they can at least enjoy one another and are satisfied that they are together, even though they are in such a sad situation. Molly's fur is not worse and not better, unfortunately the ecarisaj is not the place where such a stress-driven condition can be treated. We saw the same with other dogs before (Monty ex kennel 34 being the most recent one for example), where no medical treatment but only a change of environment has healed his condition. He is happy and thriving in his new family, we wish Molly and her sisters the same kind of luck. All of them are recoverable, they just need their chance.

    Molly (52-54 cm):

    Lillifee (around 65 cm, thin constitution but very long legs):

    Tinkerbell (55-60 cm):

    - Marzipan kennel 141 - Such a wonderful senior dog, 10+ years old, ca. 54 cm, very fond of people and very quiet and balanced. I was a bit sad to see him more sad than usual, it feels like he has started to give up hope. He still enjoys petting and soft treats, but his eyes are more tired, too much time spent in the ecarisaj. He looks like a golden retriever mix, his old ear problem (otohematoma) does not seem to bother him anymore. His left ear is thicker but does not seem to be painful or sensitive at all. This old boy has surely had a hard life, it would be about time for him to find a warm soft couch to chill on, together with his people.

    - Espresso - kennel 142 - Another senior boy, born ca. 2014-2015, ca. 50 cm, a burst of energy and full of life. He is friendly and bold, he comes and jumps around to invite you to visit him, and then claims his treats. He enjoys petting but he does not have enough time for it, he is really funny, a high energy senior chubby dog who has been locked away for too much time. We hope his family is also somewhere out there, active and looking for a funny "hyper" dog.

    - Balu kennel 143 - Since 2021 in the ecarisaj, born ca. 2017-2018, ca. 45 cm, he is very happy to get treats and also visitors, he wags his tail from a distance, but he is rather shy when it comes to close interaction. His right eye is completely or almost completely blind, but he seems to be living ok with this small handicap. Very nice and likeable boy, would need a bit of time to learn trust and to get closer to people.

    - Amoroso kennel 148 - Since 2021 in the ecarisaj, born ca. 2014-2015, ca. 56 cm, senior boy Amoroso is such a darling. A very balanced, affectionate and gentle boy, lovely companion. He is super happy about human interaction, not only does he like to stay close to people but he even leans against you and puts his complete trust into the people around him. Such a wonder that a dog who spent the last 3+ years in the ecarisaj has so much trust and hope. Wonderful dog, most certainly used to have a family, we hope a better chance comes along for him soon, he has surely earned it. When you leave his kennel, he is practically begging to be allowed to come along :( His looks may be somewhat common, but as you all know by now, the most special dogs hide under common looks.

    - Philomena kennel 153 - Gorgeous and super affectionate girl, a wonderful companion, born 2016-2017, 50-52 cm, unfortunately in estrus which makes her a bit restless at the moment. She is very skinny and she doesn't like dry food - she is probably not used to it, but she wouldn't stop eating wet food. She will be spayed as soon as her estrus cycle is over and she puts on some weight. Totally adoptable, delicate and sweet lady, we hope she will not be in the ecarisaj for a long time. She loves to cuddle and she is very fond of people.

    - Cato kennel 79 - Since 2021 in the ecarisaj, 56-57 cm, born approx. 2020, a wonderful dog, balanced and positive, affectionate and totally people oriented. Even when going round the kennels with treats, he usually is like: "ok I'll take the treat if you insist, but would you also please pet me for a bit and spend a bit of time with me?". He has strabismus (esotropia), but it does not seem to bother him at all, possibly congenital. Dream dog, gentle, sweet and handsome, he does not belong in the ecarisaj.

    Thank you!

    Zitat von Carmen C.

    Medium size female, about 2 years old, she came in quite overwhelmed and desperate to escape from prison, but she became calmer and more trustfull, so we could pet her nicely, although she was a bit stressed. I see at her a very nice, smart, expressive personality, waiting to really be revealed.

    Hündin, mittelgroß, etwa 2 Jahre alt, sie kam ziemlich überwältigt und verzweifelt auf der Suche nach einer Flucht aus dem Gefängnis, aber sie wurde ruhiger und zutraulicher, so dass wir sie nett streicheln konnten, obwohl sie etwas gestresst war. Ich sehe in ihr eine sehr nette, kluge, ausdrucksstarke Persönlichkeit, die darauf wartet, wirklich offenbart zu werden.


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    Zitat von Carmen C.

    Upper medium to Large size male, 3-4 years old, overwheight but still handsome and with a lot of energy and joy, he is very friendly and fond of people. It seems he was loved and taken care of before ending in ecarisaj sadly and more sad is that the man who called ecarisaj to come after him thought he was hit by a car because he behaved weird, like having a seizure or some Neurological problems. The doctors in ecarisaj examined him and didn't find anything indicating a car accident, also since in ecarisaj he didn't show any problems. We will try to be close for the great new boy. We hope he will be healthy.

    Rüde, obere mittlere Größe bis groß, 3-4 Jahre alt, übergewichtig, aber immer noch gutaussehend und mit viel Energie und Lebensfreude, er ist sehr freundlich und menschenlieb. Es scheint, dass er geliebt und umsorgt wurde, bevor er in der Ecarisaj endete. Trauriger ist, dass der Mann, der Ecarisaj rief, um ihn abholen zu lassen, dachte, er sei von einem Auto angefahren worden, weil er sich seltsam verhielt, als hätte er einen Anfall oder neurologische Probleme. Die Ärzte in Ecarisaj untersuchten ihn und fanden keine Hinweise auf einen Autounfall, auch weil er in Ecarisaj keine Probleme zeigte. Wir werden versuchen, dem großartigen neuen Jungen nahe zu sein. Wir hoffen, dass er gesund bleibt.


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    Zitat von Carmen C.

    Darling Fleur, 5-6 years old, of which THREE LONG YEARS spent in ecarisaj. She is such a gentle, peaceful, docile, sweet girl, her name suits her well, only that in order to bloom, the flower needs a loving home, so far she is shy and sad, and after all these years she seems overwhelmed by the pound's atmosphere. I wonder if she knows how to wagg her tail...

    Darling Fleur, 5-6 Jahre alt, davon DREI LANGE JAHRE in der Ecarisaj verbracht. Sie ist so ein sanftes, friedliches, fügsames, süßes Mädchen, ihr Name passt gut zu ihr, nur dass die Blume zum Blühen ein liebevolles Zuhause braucht, bisher ist sie schüchtern und traurig, und nach all den Jahren scheint sie überwältigt zu sein von der Atmosphäre der Ecarisaj. Ich frage mich, ob sie weiß, wie man mit der Rute wedelt ...


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    Ich finde im Moment keine vorherige Vorstellung von ihm, aber vielleicht einer von euch.

    Ich meine, er könnte aus diesem Wurf sein:

    Ecarisaj Aussenzwinger 1 (Box 082, Quarantäne), 5 scheue Welpen, geb. ca. Dez. 2022/Jan. 2023 

    Dann hier zu finden:

    Ecarisaj Aussenzwinger 1, viele Welpen, geb. ca. Dez. 2022/Jan. 2023, Feb./März 2023


    Large size male, about one year old, sadly puppy grown in ecarisaj, surely he was presented earlier, maybe he has a name already, so this is much more an update. He is such a Wonderful Boy, full of life and innocence, he is not upset with us! that he has to live in such a small lonely kennel, he is jolly and friendly and invites us to play in a sweet somehow shy way. I see him a as a big Teddy-bear of a loving family.

    Rüde, groß, etwa ein Jahr alt, leider in der Ecarisaj aufgewachsener Welpe, sicherlich wurde er schon früher vorgestellt, vielleicht hat er schon einen Namen, also ist dies eher ein Update. Er ist so ein wunderbarer Junge, voller Leben und Unschuld, er ist nicht sauer auf uns, dass er in so einem kleinen, einsamen Zwinger leben muss, er ist fröhlich und freundlich und lädt uns auf eine süße, irgendwie schüchterne Art zum Spielen ein. Ich sehe ihn als den großen Teddybär einer liebevollen Familie.

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    Zitat von Lia

    Bellinda has found a family, many thanks to Tanja & Pfotenglück!
    She will first have her eye check, surgery and recover after, if anyone wishes to support us with the costs, please use the usual Arca account, with purpose: “Bellinda ecarisaj”

    Bellinda hat eine Familie gefunden, vielen Dank an Tanja & Pfotenglück! Sie wird sich zunächst einer Augenuntersuchung und einer Operation unterziehen und sich danach erholen. Wenn uns jemand bei den Kosten unterstützen möchte, verwenden Sie bitte das übliche Arca-Konto mit dem Verwendungszweck: „Bellinda ecarisaj“

    Arca lui Noe
    IBAN: RO47BTRL01304205920949XX
    Swift: BTRLRO22CJA
    Verwendungszweck: Bellinda ecarisaj

    Pearly ist wohl auch adoptiert worden, sie ist nicht mehr im Aussenzwinger 2:

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    Welpen die nach dem Event gestern noch in der Ecarisaj sind und aktuell nicht reserviert sind:
    diese 2 Mädels im Aussenzwinger 2

    Mischka und Fluffy

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