Melissa (sieht aus wie Tosja) - 5 J. (B 32)

  • Hallo Liz,

    Marina und ich warten auch auf neue Infos. Als ich gestern von der Arbeit kam, war es zu spät, um noch vor dem Wochenende eine Info zu bekommen (die drei Stunden Zeitunterschied ... Marina war gerade auf dem Weg ins Wochenende).

    Im russ. Forum steht, dass ihr Thread geschlossen werden soll und danach ein neuer für Melissa eröffnet wird. Die Vermutung liegt also nahe, dass Melissa SEHR bald auf eine Pflegestelle in Moskau gebracht wird.

    Ich warte auch sehnsüchtig auf Neuigkeiten - und ich verspreche, dass ich sie dann auch sofort hier einstellen werde. ;-)))

    Ihr sucht bitte schon mal weiterhin einen Platz für sie hier bei uns, ja?

  • Marina hat mir gerade geschrieben, dass Melissa auf ihrer Pflegestelle ist.

    Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann ist sie bei Natalie, ihrer Betreuerin. Morgen kriege ich Details.

    Aber hey - sie ist draußen!!!! Das ist alles, was zählt!! Jippih!!!!


  • As for Melissa

    She got on weight! And now she is even fat!
    Natasha - her carer - hardly recognized her in the hospital.
    So the conclusion is - she was given food properly in the hospital.

    Her coat - is not ok, but this is ok, as getting no vitamins, due food and etc. for much time - leads to such things.

    She is now with Natasha. She follows her like a tail. When she goes to the kitchen, toilet and etc. - as her shadow.
    Yesterday - when Natasha sat down on the chair in the kintchen - Melissa lied down near putting her head on Natasha's foot  :D
    Melissa smells badly but Natasha decided not to wash her yesterday - for her to start feeling comfortable.

  • Schön, daß es Melissa besser geht!

    Gibt es schon etwas über Mouse zu berichten? Mich hat diese kleine Geschichte sehr berührt:

    Just one episode...when Natasha brough her to her appartment - her cats were afraid of her, especially Kuzya (a boy), he did not sleep and monitored Myshka from the corridor...
    Myshanya understood it....that he is nervous...took her toy and on her thin legs she somehow managed to come up to him, she put the toy near him and returned to her cushion...


  • Yes, Natasha is her carer and she is with her - as a foster home.
    We spoke yesterday about Melissa - Natasha plan to go with her to a vet, make all blood tests needed, ultrasound (one super vet on ultrasound works not far from my office - and I will go with them to the vet).
    Melissa now is in the most reliable hands! With Natasha!!!

    Hope her cats are ok - with a new dog coming in...and she is also with them ok...I hope  :]

    Mysha - was also with Natasha for some time. And yes - the story with a toy - was sooooooooo sweet!

  • Tomorrow if Natasha finds a car - we will go to make ultrasound.

    Today Natasha made blood tests.
    The results are ok - only 3 figures are not within the norm.
    BUT we cannot right now rely on these results - as she was given medicines in the hospital and the results I think can be not quite correct.

    At home - she is sweet and quiet.

    Her teeth - are very bad. Lots of teeth stones...when she eats her mouth is full of blood....
    Hope we will help her with this problem too. It's better to say - we will! not hope!

  • TIMA and Gigolo, thanks a lot for this update. It feels good to know that Melissa is still alive and that a dog loving person (Natasha) will take care of her. Sorry, but Melissa does NOT look fat to me, she only seems back to normal.
    Yes, I do think a good vet can do something about her teeth. Can you give Melissa soft dog food from a can/tin? Sometimes it also helps to give dry dog food halfway softened in some kind of broth or soup.
    There was a collection of donations for Melissa's treatment at the hospital. Can you say now that the bad infection has healed?

    Es grüßt
    Donnas Spaziertante (Elisabeth)

  • Donna Tosja's teeth were also in bad condition when she came over.
    now she can eat almost anything.

    Once the teeth have been cleaned (under anaesthesia of course!) and the dental bacterial plaque has been removed she'll eat without any problems. :oi:

  • Marina ist heute Nachmittag mit Melissa in der Klinik gewesen. Sie sind aber noch nicht zurück. Morgen wissen wir hoffentlich mehr...