Zwei Zwillingschwestern suchen ein Zuhause /Bulgarien/

  • Hello,

    These are Mia and Fiona - two sisters twins. They were found on the dog walking area together with one more black kitten that did not survive an attack by dogs. I could not leave them there and even though i was (and still am) fostering a mom with her babies, i had to take them with me. They are now 3 months old. Very social and affectionate. They are compatible with dogs and play actively. They are close to one another and that is why it would be so nice if they can be rehomed together. They have vaccines and dewormings.

    On Friday the 13th those two have a special celebration :)

    So, Mia and Fiona need a home together :)

  • Mia and Fiona are still with me, no one even asked once for them. Both are now castrated. Fiona is very attached to her sister and she follows her everywhere. I am urgently searching for a new home for the black pantheras because i cannot keep them much longer. I know black cats are difficult to rehome but i believe everyone stands a chance and besides, i truly believe black cats can bring luck to the home :)

    So, please share their story in your facebooks and hopefully both sisters can find their forever people

  • I need to rehome Mia and Fiona as soon as possible. It is too hard for me to care for them any longer. They both have two big problems which make them hard to be adopted. They are both black but which is worse - they are reserved to people. They will not come to a human to be petted, they will not be affectionate to people. I do not want to have them forever and that is why i am thinking of leaving them in the springtime in a remote village. I know they are not fit to live outside but i am also not fit to care for all the old cat cases and new cases. It is becoming harder and harder. I gave them a 2-year old chance to be adopted.

    Please share their story. They need help and a new home - together or separately, it is all the same for me.

  • Hello Deni , what 's the matter? Why can not you keep them?

    You want not really to expose them???
    Judith can not take them, she has a lot of carts, me too.

    But please don´t put them out, once you saved them.

  • Ich schubs mal.

    Die Beiden brauchen wirklich dringend ein Zuhause.
    Sie lassen Denis elfjährige Katze nicht in Ruhe. Die Arme hat richtig Stress durch das Verhalten der beiden schwarzen Mädels.

    Liebe Grüße


    mit Lilly, Lasse, Lena und Marsik
    Picco und alle, die vor ihm gegangen sind, für immer im Herzen

  • naja, aber wieder raus setzen ist ja auch nichts......
    ich hab leider auch kein Idee, bei Judith geht auch nichts.
    findet sich denn kein Verein?

  • Die beiden stehen schon seit 1,5 Jahren bei Anaa-Katzen Deutschland zur Vermittlung. So weit ich weiß, hat sich bisher noch keiner für die beiden interessiert.

    Ich zitiere mal aus dem neuen Newsletter:

    "Denitsa ist total verzweifelt, sie hat 2 Katzen zuhause, die ihre Altkatzen dermaßen drangsalieren, dass diese sich nur noch verstecken und sich den ganzen Tag nicht auf das Klo trauen. Bei Separierung brüllen die Katzen das Haus zusammen und in einer ebenso kleinen Wohnung wie Elis ist das auch kaum machbar. Auf die Straße zurücksetzen geht dort auch nicht, viele Tiere werden erschossen oder vergiftet. Die 2 Katzen lassen sich nicht anfassen, sind scheu, schlafen aber mit im Bett. Für diese 2 wären wir sehr dankbar für einen Platz auf einem Bauern- oder Reiterhof, wo sie versorgt werden aber niemand Ansprüche an sie stellt. Mögen Sie sich vielleicht auch einmal in Ihrem Bekanntenkreis umhören, ob jemand so einen Platz bieten kann? Natürlich wäre auch eine andere Unterbringung möglich, aber die Katzen sind sehr zurückhaltend Menschen gegenüber, da ist wirklich Geduld gefragt."

    Es wäre wirklich super, wenn hier jemand eine Lösung hätte.

    „Wenn man sich mit der Katze einlässt, riskiert man lediglich, bereichert zu werden.“
    (Sidonie-Gabriell Colette)

  • Hello to all,

    Yes, it is not an easy life when you have special cats or cats from all ages in 3-room appartment. The old ones want to rest, the young want to play. Add to that 3 dogs. So, Mia and Fiona i rescued as babies. They are offered for adoption since they were 3 months old. No one ever even asked for them. I see that they simply do not have a chance to be adopted. So, what can i do? Mia started peeing all over my appartment because she feels stressed. She is the more social one - she lets me pet her on the head and back, she comes to me to sleep in the night but Fiona is terribly afraid of me. When i pick them up, they are not aggressive. They just freeze and wait until i let them go. So, if they are alone in one appartment, i am more than sure they will become normal cats. Yes, i am sure.

    But how long can i wait? 5 years? 7 years? Living with 7+ cats means buying 15 kilos of food, 10 kilos of cat toilet - something which has been a burden for years.

    Mia also started fighting with my oldest cat. My 11 old sweet cat was tortured almost to death by Jack, a previous foster, so i promised her she will live in peace once he is gone. But now she is again subject to beatings, hissings, fight by the black Mia. I started chasing away Mia from the room where the old one mainly lives and the result was Mia peeing everywhere. Well, i can`t live like that anymore. I tried Bach, i tried Feliway - nothing works.

    I gave them 2 year chance. I am sorry but not every cat obviously is destined to have a good life. I know i will do wrong by just letting them go outside, i know they will probably will not survive. But i am a human too - i also need to have some peace and rest in my life. I do not want to deal with cat pee on daily basis any more.

    Yes, i am really sorry but i do not see what else i can do for those two. The cats in need are just too many...and obviously Mia and Fiona are unlucky.

  • :dance2: :dance2: Hallelujah!!!!!

    Was bin ich froh!!!! Bei mir geht's beim besten Willen nicht. Zu viele und meine sind alle schon gesetzteren Alters wie bei Deni. Meine Fey aus Rumänien mischt ja schon die Truppe auf, dass es schon an der Grenze ist, manchmal. 8o

    @Birgid: Bitte sag Deiner Bekannten, dass sie ein seeeehr gutes Werk damit tut! :bluemchen:

    LG Judith

  • I hope things will work out!
    The wonderful people from Anaa Katzen also offered to take the two in a cat hotel in Germany, so both blackies have two chances now.

    Thank you, all so much!

  • Eine liebe Bekannte hat Interesse an den Beiden =)

    The wonderful people from Anaa Katzen also offered to take the two in a cat hotel in Germany, so both blackies have two chances now.

    Das lese ich ja jetzt erst :applaus:

    Das wäre ja so schön, wenn es funktionieren würde :dance3:

    „Wenn man sich mit der Katze einlässt, riskiert man lediglich, bereichert zu werden.“
    (Sidonie-Gabriell Colette)

  • Unofrtunately Birgid friend cannot take them.

    So, we are back at the beginning.

    I knew it was too good to be true but Christmas is coming and it is time for miracles. I will not lose hope and neither Mia and Fiona.

  • There is a family who wants to adopt Mia and Fiona. I have low hopes as the family already has 2 cats and 2 dogs in a small appartment but...who knows.
    We need someone to make a Vorkontrolle in 38889 Blankenburg.
    Anyone here who can visit the family and help us see if this family is suitable for both girls?