Lyalya - weiße Plüsch-Hündin -

  • bin wieder daaaaaaa :pcwink:

    freu mich schon riesig, Gigolo hibbelt auch schon mit .... Going hat schon Besuch angekündigt....
    und ich denke mal, dass es bald wieder schöne Bilder von ihr zu sehen gibt !

    Ich melde mich, wenn sie da sind :fahrkette: .... :photos: .... :hundistreicheln2:

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • I guess 3 hours left for Coco to meet Lyalya!!!

    Lyalya stayed with Svetlana in her appartment from Saturday (she was taken from the shelter) till 07^00 moscow time Tuesday.
    When they were driving from the shelter to Sveta's home - Lyalya was quiet and WAS SMILING!!!
    Her family and even the cat (who was jelous of the attention paid by the family to Lyalya) fell in love with her and her eyes!!! They all said that in case she were with them for a week - they could harldy separate with her!
    Lyalya was sweet and tender. She was perfect in the street (putting her nose into the palm of Sveta), looking at her - as if saying - I believe you! and I know you will do all you can - for me to be happy!
    Sveta said - she was the most beautiful dog among those to be departing for Germany (and this is not because Sveta is her carer) - just becuase she is lovely - our top model!

    We do hope - soon she will arrive safely to Coco!!  :laola:

    She was trying to survive in the hell of the shelter - since 2008! She is a veteran of the shelter. Her cataogue number is 190  :drink3:

  • Top Model is good!!!
    Lyalya is eagerly awaited! :]


    ***Dieser Beitrag unterliegt dem Urheberrecht, forenfremdes Zitieren, Kopieren und Weiterverbreiten auch von Auszügen ist nicht erlaubt.***

  • we are absolutely EXITED !!!!!

    Tomorrow we will show you FOTOS - as tonight it will be too dark and we don't want to stress them!

    Please adjust her age ... if she was in the shelter for 5yrs.... how old is she now ?

    For us, it doesn't matter - but for people that like to adopt her and for our vet ..... THANKS and all best regards to sveta !

    Sergej will arrive soon !

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • Hi Marina!!

    When she was in the shelter since 2008, then she is older than 2-3 years.

    You had sent me the photos of their snow-white teeth.

    Perhaps their cataloging was a mistake?

    How is your vacation? Do you have good weather? All healthy?

  • Im Thread von Lyalya in Moskau war vor einigen Monaten auch schon die Diskussion über ihr Alter. Marina hatte gleich gesagt, dass sie sich das nicht vorstellen kann, dass Lyalya schon "so" alt ist, weil sie so weiße Zähne hat.

    Im Juni, als die neuen Fotos gemacht wurden, hatte ich Marina gebeten, auch Fotos von ihren Zähnen zu machen. Danach waren wir uns ganz sicher, dass Lyalya eine junge Hündin ist.

    Hier kommen mal die Fotos

  • Laßt mal ein bischen hibbeln

    :treppe: :coolsmoke:


    ***Dieser Beitrag unterliegt dem Urheberrecht, forenfremdes Zitieren, Kopieren und Weiterverbreiten auch von Auszügen ist nicht erlaubt.***

  • When I saw her for the first time - I set her age as 2 years old.Since that time - 2 long years have passed. So now - she must be some 4 years old.
    The shelter - sets her age as 8 years old!!!
    Coco - you know Tisha - they set his age here as 8 years old - so Lyalya and Tisha - are of the same age...and this can not be!! Just not!
    As I saw the teeth of Tisha and the teeth of Lyalya - it's just another pair of shoes!
    When the dogs get to the shelter - thay are chipped. When Sveta checked her chip number some time ago - she found another chip in her (the number differs from the one fixed in the documents). I guess - the previous management could chip her - TWICE - to get more money from the state...
    + in the documents it's written - that she got there ALREADY sterilized...this means - she is ex-home!!
    I thin she got there being very young - a teenager...or a puppy..
    I always correctly set the ages for our dogs in the shelter - and the vets always confirm my estimations (with our two dogs from the shelter and the others) - and only with Lyalya - the documents lie!
    Her low theeth - are in place - as compared to Tisha's - no teeth practically remained....

    My vacation is baaaaaaaaaaad...Painting fences  :motorrad: with my husband.
    The weather - is terrible - + 7 and raaaaains.....
    Yesterday went to collect mushrooms - 3/5 hours spent and just few found :D

    All our dogs and rabbits send our best wishes to all of you from our cold, rainy and grey countryhouse land (it's some 110km from moscow)  :rasen:

  • oh, Marina, you and your husband could have spend the holidays at our place - 28degrees and we always have lots of things to get painted or worked on :D :D :D

    Don't worry about the age, we will hve a good look at her teeth.... I just read the 2008 and looked up the first page ....and got confused.... we will see tomorrow and our vet always gets to see our newcomers.... He loves our dog-passion !

    They are nearly here !!!!! :fahrkette:

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • I told Andrey about +28.........................
    We are crying  :ohschreck:

    oh...there is so much work to do here...Andrey has already scheduled all my vacation:
    1. on your first day - you will rest with this side of the fence painting
    2. on the second - the posts of the other side of the fence painting
    and etc...  :D

    as for the teeth of Lyalya - no 8 years...this just impossible!  X(

    ohhhh!!! just little time left - and you will see the beauty!

    P.S. Sveta and Ira (Jaya) gave the dogs anti-helmintic drugs in Moscow.

  • When Lyalya was since 2008 in the Shelter - with the No. 190 (!) - then I could immediately start to cry!

    Five long years!! Her whole life ... Inconceivably sad! :flenn:

    And no one has seen her before ... :weinen:

  • Helminthen sind Würmer - Spul- oder Hakenwürmer....

    Thanx, Marina, thats highly appreciated !

    Birgit, hier wird nun nicht mehr geheult.....nur noch Freudentränen !!!!!!

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • and the age is important - in terms of adoptions (that is why I was suprised to see thee age set by the shelter),

    as people should know of course - what age is the dog (for us it's not important - when we chose our first dog from the shelter - we just saw her and said - this is our dog, and only after that we learned - that she is - a girl, and then I saw her teeth and understood she was 5 at that moment, and even if she were 10 - we would adopt her anyway), but for many russians and I guess germans - the age means much....

    let's wait what your vet states as for her age...

  • we will wait and see and show you new fotos from her shiny teeth....

    Tarek is turning 8 and has shiny teeth...its got a lot to do with food. if she likes to chew on hard dogtreats - in no time we will have a good base for our vet to give us an idea. Lots of dogs arrive here from the streets and seem to be much older just by the look of their teeth... a few weeks later its a totally different story....

    and don't worry - we will find good people for her that don't choose a dog only by its looks - the character of people and dog has to match !

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • oh!
    I wish you see the teeth of our Unita...when we adopted her on october 01, 2011 - her teeth were BLACK!!! people after seeing her teeth told us - you are brave you adopted that old dog  :] we laughed and told them - she is just 5.
    but her teeth did not change even after cleaning by the vet - they are still baaad, became yellow (at least not black)....and etc. - now we are brushing her teeth with a order to make them look at least a little bit better (Unita was also a veteran of the shelter, stayed there from 2008), and our second dog from this shelter - is of the same age with Unita, her teeth even without the vet's assistance became much more better and after the vet - they shine nlike the sun :musik5:

    oh! if I were not sure - that this is a great chance for Lyalya - to go to Germany - we would not start all this,
    unfortunatley - those who wanted to adopt her here - were 90% people from the regions of Russia - they wanted to adopt this beauty to live outside, to entertain some 90 years old grandmaas (I got two such calls)...
    or others who called - never got to the shelter to meet her...

    with this I leave you and see the photos of our two lucky girls tomorrow (if intenet works)  :D  :wuub:

  • sie sind daaaaaaaaaa !

    Aber noch sehr ängstlich - sind zusammen in einem Hundezimmer, haben gefressen und müssen nun erstmal in Ruhe ankommen !

    Der Fahrer ist ja so ein netter !!!!! Bibi hat ihn gleich mit Kaffee und Kuchen versorgt - er wäre sicher gerne geblieben, hatte aber noch weitere wartende Hundeliebhaber anzufahren....

    Schade, Jens und er waren sofort in Auto & Reise-Gespräche vertieft und er hatte ihm auch direkt ein Zimmer angeboten....

    Morgen dann mehr !!!!!

    wende Dein Gesicht stets der Sonne zu und alle Schatten fallen hinter Dich !

  • Die sollten sich nicht über Autos, sondern über die Hunde unterhalten. :augenrollen:

    Aber nu sind se endlich da. Phuuuu. Geschafft!!!! :dance3:


    ***Dieser Beitrag unterliegt dem Urheberrecht, forenfremdes Zitieren, Kopieren und Weiterverbreiten auch von Auszügen ist nicht erlaubt.***

  • :dance3:

    Freu mich so. Und bin schon ganz gespannt auf die Bilder morgen.


    Liebe Grüße


    "Wir haben nicht zwei Herzen – eins für die Tiere und eins für die Menschen. In der Gewaltausübung gegenüber ersteren und der Gewaltausübung gegen letztere gibt es keinen anderen Unterschied als derjenige des Opfers."
    Alphonse de Lamartine