Zwei Kater- Rico und Jack (behindert) aus Bulgarien suchen seit 2 Jahren..

  • Jack is still here with me...
    Rijko and Freya were adopted together in Munich and they feel great :)
    Meanwhile Jack has a new friend - Gaby. Gaby is 1 year old. She is with me for 1 year. I found her when she was 2 months old, she had fallen in a hole in the ground and stayed there for several days before somebody helped her. But the shock and stress from that experience took its toll. She became a little reserved to people, she is like a little lonely angel. She keeps away from people, does not bite ot scratch. She just prefers to be far away from people. Obviously the phsycological trauma was great. She has also a physical trauma - she is limping with on of her back legs but that does not prevent her from running and climbing.

    I will be happy of both of them are adopted together because Gaby loves Jack, but they can be adopted separately.

    Here is Gaby:

  • Hello from Jack and Gaby again,

    I need some help. Does anyone know of some reliable organisations that deal with special cats like Jack? He lives with me for 3 years now. And he became dominant to my older female cats. He bothers them :( They do not feel good anymore. The only cat that Jack loves is Gaby. And Tiger and Zori before. But my older cats (that are on my avatar) he just hates. That is why i need to start looking for a home for him more seriously.

    Jack loves people! He is maybe the most affectionate cat that i have ever seen! He wants people, needs them and searches for them. And Gaby is becoming also affectionate especially after the castration.

    I need a home for both of them together, preferably to a family with no small children and not so many cats. Against dogs Jack does not mind.

  • Jack is urgently looking for a home. I can`t take care of him anymore. He must be alone animal in the household because i do not know whether he will accept other cats. Right now he is living with 5 more cats in my home and he chases and teases 3 of them. As a result of this long term torture to my cats, my oldest cat (that is on my avatar) is very very sick and perhaps will die one of these days. I really can`t forgive myself for putting her through this by keeping Jack so long.

    I must rehome him as soon as possible. I am desperate and i ask for your help. Please help me spread Jack`s story. He is very affectionate towards people, very active and playful. He is also very easily scared so i do not think he will be appropriate company for small children.

    Jack has a microchip, vaccinated regularly, castrated and even has a certificate for the rabies antibodies (in case of rehoming in the UK).

    Please, help us :(

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von deni_avr (29. Oktober 2011 um 15:38)

  • I always wanted the best for him because he is special. I wanted special adopters. And i waited too much. Now - i am ready to send him wheretever just to save my oldest cat(s). He has no problem with the hygiene.

  • - bump-

    the situation is getting out of control :(

    Jack is gorgeous but he just does so much trouble at home. I need to find him a home soon. He accepts dogs and other cats but not all. He can be adopted together with his friend Gaby or separately. And his best advantage is his insatible love for people and games :)

  • New photos of Jack. You can see that the only important thing for him are people :) I have never seen such an affectionate cat. I wish i could leave him here....he is one of a kind!

  • And these are photos from Rijko and Freya from their new home in Germany. They owner contacted me after an year. She was so happy. She did not receive my contacts for some reason. And i was twice as happy! I cried with happiness! Finally i saw my two cats and it was amazing to learn that their owners are just wonderful and great people! I thank them from the bottom of my heart :))

  • There he dear Jack! He is so gorgeous...!

    And, Denitsa, i can understand your feelings about the good news from Freya and great!!!

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  • I will not lose hope that these two great cats will find a true and beautiful home together where they will be loved and take care of.
    Jack and Gaby are still in a need of a forever home.

  • Let me show you just how affectionate Jack is :)

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  • I am happy to announce that for several months already Jack and Gaby live in Germany with a young couple and they are feeling great!
    This thread can finally move to the happy end!

    Thank you all for the support during those years! Jack did not know how much friends he had, but i know! Jack will always have a very special place in my heart :) But i hope he will forget me and be as much happy as possible :)

  • :wuub: and who is that:

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    Jack and Gaby in their new home in Germany

  • Oooooohhhhhh Denitsa,

    so of love and happiness!!!

    I´m so glad to see the both of them there...they look great and so comfortable in their new lives.

    My dear Jack (now called Jacko :herzchen: as we heard)...he took a piece of my heart with him and I am so relieved and so happy to see him like this!!!

    All the best for you, Gaby and Jack!!!!!!!!

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