Beiträge von Katya


    Can't refrain and not to show you those puppies from the shelter who doesn't have a lot of chances to be adopted in Russia (i will time to time update the topic with newcomers):

    1 Cute Gremlins (insulator) :hund1: :hund2:

    Those girls are from insulator - they are so cute with those funny ears:freuhund: they are black so they don't have a lot of chances to be adopted (
    I will try to make advertising for them in Russia -so if somebody will be interested to adopt a small gremlin :teddyherz: in Germany - would be great
    Let's just tell people that those cuties exist and maybe there will be a chance for them :hundistreicheln:

    2 Masha

    It's a rare case when you meet in the shelter such cheerful creature like Masha. She all the time goes crazy when she sees a human being and tries to kiss him all the time -tries to climb on hands and be closer. She doesn't know yet that probably she will not have an owner though she desires it so much .... because she is Grey and her neighbors: white -red or multicolor or longhaired are much more attractive than she is. I all the time wondering why people don't want to see the beauty inside - they judge only by cover


    Slonik found his family in Russia. Last week his new owner Veronika came to the shelter and took him home. Veronika lives with her 9-years old son and parrot. She is so gentle and in love with Slonik.

    The day when Slonik left shelter with Veronika:

    At home sleeping (you can see his friend parrot trying to do smth)

    On the walk: