Lucky and Lora - happy mini teenagers

  • Happy new year, everyone!

    Let it be a better one for all of us!

    Those are Lucky and Lora from Bulgaria. They are 6 months old and were rescued from the streets in the late summer of 2020. They were abandoned with their 2 other siblings in front of a grocery shop. Soon two of the siblings were killed and we decided to rescue the other two. After that they got sick with lung infection and needed antibiotics and treatment. After a month they were healthy and received all vaccinations. Negative for FIV/Felv. Castration is pending.

    For the moment both of them develop well but especially Lora stayed very small and delicate in physics. Both of them will not grow up to be big cats.

    Lucky is the boy and Lora the girl. Lucky is especially attached to other males, he prefers their company. He is medium playful and also medium cuddly. He is independent kitty and he prefers to cuddle with cats instead of humans.

    Lora on the other side is very cuddly to humans, she prefers human company. She is also very playful and active. The mini cat turbo :)

    Both are available for adoption and because the are not attached to one another, they can be adopted separately.

  • A happy new year to you!

    Such beautiful kitten :katze4:. Fingers crossed for a wonderful home.

    Liebe Grüße


    "Wir haben nicht zwei Herzen – eins für die Tiere und eins für die Menschen. In der Gewaltausübung gegenüber ersteren und der Gewaltausübung gegen letztere gibt es keinen anderen Unterschied als derjenige des Opfers."
    Alphonse de Lamartine

  • :herzchen:

    **Dieser Beitrag unterliegt dem Urheberrecht, forenfremdes Zitieren, Kopieren und Weiterverbreiten auch von Auszügen ist nicht erlaubt.**
    "Lasst uns nicht um Schutz vor Gefahren beten, sondern um Furchtlosigkeit, wenn sie uns begegnen"(Rabindranath Tagor)
    "Hoffnung ist nicht die Überzeugung, dass etwas gut ausgeht, sondern die Gewissheit, dass etwas Sinn hat, egal wie es ausgeht" (V. Havel)

  • Thanks to the good work of Anaa Katzen those two cuties found their home in Germany and started their new life together!

    The adoptive family sent us a wonderful letter and we were impressed how attentive and loving the whole family is towards the kittens. They describe their new life with such attention and care. We are happy that Lucky and Lora are perceived as family members while here they were viewed as garbage.

    Be very happy, Lora and Lucky! We are glad that we made the miracle happen for you!