Ecarisaj Quarantäne, Morris- kurzhaariger mittelgroßer Mischlingsrüde, Beinverletzung



    Morris (this is how we named him) is a medium size male, very friendly and peaceful - and unfortunately he was brought into the pound last Friday ((02.01.2016) with an injured leg - the left hind one. The leg is swollen, there is blood in his fur, the boy protects him and he is limping and walking with difficulty. He is definitely in pain because he has very poor appetite, he barely ate some wet food. He needs to get out as soon as possible, he is already staying in the pound in this state for about 3 days - he needs x-rays so we can find out what wrong with him and proper treatment and this can't be done in the pound, they don't have the necessary equipment there. For this we really need a FOSTER OR SPONSOR, we don't have a place for him if we take him out. Please sent us a private message if you can help this poor boy. Thank you very much! We apologize for the quality of the photos, they don't manage to show the gravity of the situation but they were made with an old phone, our volunteer didn't have her camera with her.

    Morris ist ein Rüde mittlerer Größe, sehr freundlich und friedfertig. Leider wurde er am vergangenen Freitag (02.01.2016) mit einer Beinverletzung am linken Hinterbein in die Ecarisaj gebracht. Das Bein ist geschwollen, er hat Blut im Fell. Er lässt uns nicht an sein Bein, hinkt und belastet unter Mühen. Er hat definitiv Schmerzen, da er kaum Appetit zeigt. Er hat nur mäkelig etwas Nasssfutter genommen. Er sollte so schnell wie möglich die Ecarisaj verlassen, er ist bereits seit drei Tagen in diesem Zustand dort- Röntgenbilder sind nötig, damit man feststellen kann, was los ist und es vernünftig behandeln kann, das geht in der Ecarisaj nicht- es fehlt an der nötigen Ausrüstung. Daher suchen wir dringend eine Pflegestelle oder einen Pensionspaten- wir haben keinen Platz, um ihn heraus zu holen. Die Bilder sind von schlechter Qualität, weil sie mit einem alten Handy gemacht wurden- sie zeigen nicht, wie schlimm es wirklich ist.

  • Zitat

    Morris went to a vet clinic yesterday and got an x-ray and the good news is that his leg is surely not broken. At a closer examination though the vet discovered a wound like an incision, the size of a coin, with liquid which caused the inflammation in the inner part of the leg - probably a bite from another dog or most likely a wire from a fence. The doctors from the pound said they will take care of him with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicine and a proper treatment of the wound. Yesterday Morris already seemed better, the medicines received began to take effect, he was walking and standing up better on his leg. He will get good quality food and all efforts possible in the pound will be made for him but the pound is not a proper place for a wounded dog, he would need an adopter or a foster to give him their full attention - the doctors in the pound care for more then 200 dogs. Morris is very young, only 2 years old, very docile and peaceful and he behaved extremely well at the vet and during transport - he walks nicely on a leash and stands nicely on the back sit of the car. We really hope someone will notice him and will want to offer him a forever home or at least a long term foster - he is a great dog.

    Die gute Nachricht: Er war in der Tierklinik, es ist nichts gebrochen.
    Die schlechte Nachricht: Er ist wieder in der Ecarisaj.

  • Ein Glück!!
    MIST!! :weinen:

    Es gibt kein Wort des Trostes in irgendeiner menschlichen Sprache für Versuchstiere, die nicht wissen, warum sie sterben müssen.

    Ein Überlebender von Hiroshima


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  • Zitat von Cateii de la Ecarisaj

    Morris was booked for adoption and he will move into his new home most likely this week. We hope he will have a great life and that we'll get some pictures of a happy Morris! Thank you!

  • Ich hoffe, dass er ein wirklich schönes Zuhause bekommt, in dem versorgt und geliebt wird. :daumendruecken:

    lieben Gruß,


    Es gibt kein Wort des Trostes in irgendeiner menschlichen Sprache für Versuchstiere, die nicht wissen, warum sie sterben müssen.

    Ein Überlebender von Hiroshima