Beiträge von deni_avr

    Nachteule, thank you soooo very much! I really appreciate every donor because I know that every person who decides to donate for something like this, knows he will not buy or use something for himself but just on the contrary. If you think about it, donating money or time or work is something really amazing in our world!

    So thank to you too sincerely from my heart!

    This is the place where Rijko lived with his family. I am happy to say that one of my animal rescue friends decided to give a foster home to three of the cats there after castration so they leave this horrible place and have a chance for a home! Only one cat is left there and in Friday we have appointment for castration for her too.

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    Rijko is doing so much better after two days of taking phenobarbital. They started him on this because he was in risk of hurting himself in the box due to the neurologist problems.

    Vets still do not know what the diagnosis is. They try to estimate his development. Since the administration of phenobarbital, he became responsive and started walking. We still do not what the next steps will be but we are happy that he is up on his feet.

    The clinic received one donation from Mrs Margot G. I am so grateful for that! From the bottom of my heart! With 7 cats currently at my home, Rijko bill is such a burden. So, thank you!

    See the wonderful videos form today:

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    Dear Kuzu, dear Eulena,

    Thank you so much for your support! It means a lot to me!

    I will post soon again to keep you informed hopefully with some good news!

    I know Rijko also feels your support!

    I hope soon we can give him a better name and a chance to live again, even if he is left with some disabilities.

    Many many thanks ❤️

    Rijko is a young (3 years) male cat that used to live in a horrible place in Sofia. A place where there are several automobile service centres, warehouse bases, all this located on the busy ring road. Rijko and the other cats there had only one human friend - an old man, working as a security. He used to feed the cats and every year he used to see how babies of those cats die. He somehow found my contacts and call me to organize the castrations of female cats. This was when i met Rijko. I noticed he had a very charming look because his eyes were crossed. Sadly, this was the first and last time i saw Rijko healthy and walking.

    After 2 days i received another call and learnt that Rijko is very ill, spinning in circles and with obvious severe neurological deficiency. No one knows what happened, we can only see the results - Rijko is in critical condition, unable to stand up or walk.

    The first day he had 41 degrees temperature. But now he has a normal one. Very surprisingly he eats on his own despite being unable to stand up. Now he receives a serious therapy, several medicines, antibiotics and fluids. He has improved a little but he still has neurological deficits. The vets make different tests and diagnosis is still unclear. Vets need more time to see if the therapy has effect and make the necessary tests. Diagnosis varies from FIP to toxoplasmosis, to car accident, dog bite (he has two big wounds on his back), brain trauma and others.

    We want to give Rijko a few more days and opportunity for the vets to put a diagnosis to his condition before we take the worst and final decision to end his life.

    If someone wants to help us do this, please donate for his treatment. We would accept every small contribution with gratitude in our hearts and hope for the life of Rijko. Below i give bank details of the clinic. His name in the registry of the clinic is Korcho (which in Bulgarian means cross-eyed). If someone wants to donate, please write this name and also mine - Denitsa Avramova, so that your donation is directed to his bill.

    This is him when i met him for the first and last time:…QykLEA1S8W5pa-4  

    And sadly this is how he is today:…QykLEA1S8W5pa-4

    Bank details of Dobro hrumvane clinic:


    Procredit bank EAD


    IBAN: BG27PRCB92301049061116

    Thank you for reading and please send some good thoughts for Rijko!

    Thanks to the good work of Anaa Katzen those two cuties found their home in Germany and started their new life together!

    The adoptive family sent us a wonderful letter and we were impressed how attentive and loving the whole family is towards the kittens. They describe their new life with such attention and care. We are happy that Lucky and Lora are perceived as family members while here they were viewed as garbage.

    Be very happy, Lora and Lucky! We are glad that we made the miracle happen for you!

    Happy new year, everyone!

    Let it be a better one for all of us!

    Those are Lucky and Lora from Bulgaria. They are 6 months old and were rescued from the streets in the late summer of 2020. They were abandoned with their 2 other siblings in front of a grocery shop. Soon two of the siblings were killed and we decided to rescue the other two. After that they got sick with lung infection and needed antibiotics and treatment. After a month they were healthy and received all vaccinations. Negative for FIV/Felv. Castration is pending.

    For the moment both of them develop well but especially Lora stayed very small and delicate in physics. Both of them will not grow up to be big cats.

    Lucky is the boy and Lora the girl. Lucky is especially attached to other males, he prefers their company. He is medium playful and also medium cuddly. He is independent kitty and he prefers to cuddle with cats instead of humans.

    Lora on the other side is very cuddly to humans, she prefers human company. She is also very playful and active. The mini cat turbo :)

    Both are available for adoption and because the are not attached to one another, they can be adopted separately.

    /German below/

    Junior is a young, very sweet and friendly cat that used to live in a horrible yard where a hoarder person had more than 30+ unsocial sick cats.

    Her mother was a very smart cat who decided to rescue her kittens by bringing them to our office yard, next to hoarder. We started caring for the family but soon we noticed that the mother was very sick. She passed away despite our efforts and vet therapy. After that the sister of Junior got sick with panleukopenia and corona viruses at the same time. Very often street cats must pay a high price pay for their safe future. This happened with the small sister. She was so sick, on the verge of dying. She spent 1 month in the clinic and recovered. We could not bring her back and now the sister of Junior is one happy cat living in a good home in Germany.

    But Junior did not get sick. And that was the reason why she spent 3 years outside. She came every day to our office, she knew our cars by the sound and she used to come to the car with us every morning and every evening. I always told her "be patient and wait, soon your time to be rescued will come". But i was always afraid that she might also get sick before i manage to find place and money for her.

    This year finally i kept my promise to her! I managed to find foster home for her and now she will spend her first winter in a warm home, without viruses and parasites all around. She was tested for FIV/Felv and is negative. She was castrated when she was 9 months old and maybe that is the reason why she stayed healthy. Vets examined her body very intensely and stated that she is a young healthy cat. Soon she will get her vaccinations and will be ready to move into a forever home.

    Junior is still a little shy with people but she is adapting very easily and is searching contact with humans. She is friendly and lacks any aggression. She is used to living with other cats and likes to spend time with them. She is medium playful and likes to chase balls around.

    Please, help me find a home for her. The kind ladies from Anaa Katzen Deutschland will mediate the process of adoption but they do not have many people adopting. So, if you know of some other German organization that will agree to offer Junior, please give them my contact.

    Google translation:

    Junior ist eine junge, sehr süße und freundliche Katze, die in einem schrecklichen Garten lebte, in dem eine Hamstererin mehr als 30 unsoziale kranke Katzen hatte.

    Ihre Mutter war eine sehr kluge Katze, die sich entschied, ihre Kätzchen zu retten, indem sie sie in unseren Bürohof neben dem Hamsterer brachte. Wir begannen uns um die Familie zu kümmern, aber bald bemerkten wir, dass die Mutter sehr krank war. Sie starb trotz unserer Bemühungen und Tierarzttherapie. Danach erkrankte die Schwester von Junior gleichzeitig an Panleukopenie und Koronaviren. Sehr oft müssen Straßenkatzen für ihre sichere Zukunft einen hohen Preis zahlen. Dies geschah mit der kleinen Schwester. Sie war so krank, kurz vor dem Sterben. Sie verbrachte einen Monat in der Klinik und erholte sich. Wir konnten sie nicht zurückbringen und jetzt ist die Schwester von Junior eine glückliche Katze, die in einem guten Zuhause in Deutschland lebt.

    Aber Junior wurde nicht krank. Und das war der Grund, warum sie 3 Jahre draußen verbracht hat. Sie kam jeden Tag in unser Büro, sie kannte unsere Autos am Geräusch und sie kam jeden Morgen und jeden Abend mit uns zum Auto. Ich sagte ihr immer: "Sei geduldig und warte, bald wird deine Zeit für die Rettung kommen." Aber ich hatte immer Angst, dass sie auch krank werden könnte, bevor ich Platz und Geld für sie finde.

    Dieses Jahr habe ich endlich mein Versprechen an sie gehalten! Ich habe es geschafft, ein Pflegeheim für sie zu finden, und jetzt wird sie ihren ersten Winter in einem warmen Zuhause verbringen, ohne Viren und Parasiten. Sie wurde auf FIV / Felv getestet und ist negativ. Sie wurde kastriert, als sie 9 Monate alt war, und vielleicht ist das der Grund, warum sie gesund geblieben ist. Tierärzte untersuchten ihren Körper sehr intensiv und stellten fest, dass sie eine junge gesunde Katze ist. Bald wird sie sich impfen lassen und bereit sein, für immer in ein Zuhause zu ziehen.

    Junior ist immer noch ein bisschen schüchtern gegenüber Menschen, aber sie passt sich sehr leicht an und sucht Kontakt mit Menschen. Sie ist freundlich und hat keine Aggression. Sie ist es gewohnt, mit anderen Katzen zu leben und verbringt gerne Zeit mit ihnen. Sie ist mittelmäßig verspielt und jagt gerne Bälle herum.

    Bitte helfen Sie mir, ein Zuhause für sie zu finden. Die freundlichen Damen von Anaa Katzen Deutschland werden den Adoptionsprozess vermitteln, aber es gibt nicht viele Menschen, die adoptieren. Wenn Sie also eine andere deutsche Organisation kennen, die sich bereit erklärt, Junior anzubieten, geben Sie ihnen bitte meinen Kontakt.

    Please give me support. The tomcat can handle an apartment, is it compatible with other cats? What does Joaquin need? I have 2 peaceful cats here that are not +.

    Dear Luigi,

    Yes, i believe he can feel good in an apartment. I have taken several cats from that cat colony and they all feel good inside. I do not believe they had a good life in that yard. But of course everyone is individual and i have not been with Joaquin in my place. Right now he lives in a very small room alone and no one can say how he feels. But he does not mark the territory or screams to go outside, so i believe he can feel good inside.

    He is absolutely compatible with other cats. When he was outside he used to live with many others, including two very dominant males who were all in scars, always in wounds and i believe they were bosses of everyone. I never saw Joaquin fight or chase others. He is also now castrated.

    If you start thinking of giving him home, the only problem is that he is very very shy. He allows people to touch him, he is not aggressive but he will escape people hands at all costs, if possible. The other problem was that his mouth was in such a bad shape that vets were not sure if he also has stomatitis. His jaw inflammation was so big that they could not decide. I am sure now this can be resolved quickly as the jaw already healed and vets can see if his mouth has stomatitis for sure.

    As i said - it breaks my heart to know how and where he lives and what the future will be for him. He will live like a prisoner, that is the truth.

    It really breaks my heart because Joaquin was born in a cat colony. He lived years among other cats and he is used to having communication with others.

    Even if i convince this boy, car service owner, to give me the cat, what can i do with Joaquin... No one wants to adopt such cats. I don`t want and can`t adopt another cat. I have still 7 cats at home, some of them are chronically sick.

    Simply there is no place for a cat like Joaquin. Every cat deserves a chance, but for some this never happens.

    The story of this cat unfortunately does not have a happy ending, not according to my views and criteria.

    I could not find neither a foster, nor a permanent home for him. So, i wrote about him in some Facebook groups. A woman with no cat experience from organization, that was not even registered, wrote to me that she can take his case. I had no choice and allowed her to "help" Joaquin.

    But she also could not find a good home for him. After several months she gave Joaquin to a young man who brought the cat to his car service house and placed him in a small room, filled with car parts. Joaquin lives there ever since. All alone. With no cat or human company. No balcony, no toys, no scratching post, even without bed. The car service is located in a small town in the most poor part of Bulgaria. There are no vets there.

    This is considered by this "organization" a happy end.

    To me this will be a lonely cold life.

    I am so sorry, Joaquin. It seems it would be better if you died instead of living like this for the rest of your life.

    The little energetic dog is still available for adoption!

    She is very nice and cuddly. She absolutely adores children and prefers their company. She is energetic and very affectionate.

    Do you know some reliable organization that could help me find a good home for her? It will soon be one year since i took her and she needs to find her home already. Do you know if some serious organization in Germany will agree to work with me so that we can find a home for this cutie?

    Google translation:

    Der kleine energiegeladene Hund steht noch zur Adoption zur Verfügung!
    Sie ist sehr nett und kuschelig. Sie liebt Kinder absolut und bevorzugt ihre Gesellschaft. Sie ist energisch und sehr liebevoll.
    Kennen Sie eine zuverlässige Organisation, die mir helfen könnte, ein gutes Zuhause für sie zu finden? Es wird bald ein Jahr her sein, seit ich sie mitgenommen habe und sie muss schon ihr Zuhause finden. Weißt du, ob eine ernsthafte Organisation in Deutschland bereit ist, mit mir zusammenzuarbeiten, damit wir ein Zuhause für diese Süße finden können?

    Susie and her friend - the foster dog Alisa
    Both are looking for homes, maybe together if they are lucky...

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    This is Mila, female, aged 10 months.

    Mila was living in one horrendous yard with 30+ cats, in appalling conditions, without good food or any human touch. I managed to rescue several cats from there and Mila was one of them. In the beginning she was very shy but now she loves human contact and company. She is a very gentle, very kind and sweet little girl. She loves to play with other cats but not very roughly. As a whole she is calm and kind cat.

    Now she already has two vaccinations, castration and a negative test for FIV/Felv.

    Please, help me find her a good new home!

    Some videos:

    Hello, people,

    This post will be in English but if someone wants to translate it in German, we would be very grateful!

    Details in short:
    Name: Alisa, female
    Age: 2 years
    Vaccinations: 2 + rabies
    Castration: yes
    Iddex test for tick borne diseases: negative
    Cat friendly, child friendly and dog friendly

    Alisa was living in a village, in a roma family that did not care for her very much. They never let her enter their yard or their house. Alisa used to live on the street, in front of the house. She ate only bread and drank water from the puddles. This is how she lived for 1 year. One day the whole family left the village and went to Germany. Alisa was left all alone, again just there on the street, in front of the home she never knew was her home. Her family was gone and soon she got hungry and started roaming the streets in the village. People in those villages do not like stray dogs. They poison them every year. Thousands of dogs are killed from poison every year in the villages of Bulgaria.

    I took Alisa from that village in December 2019. After several months she was completely transformed.

    Alisa is a very happy dog, she loves children and loves to play with them. The roma family had children and she is used to them. She also likes to play with home cats but when she is outside, she chases cats, pigeons and all birds. Alisa loves to play rough with dogs. She runs very fast and sometimes forgets to come back. She is very energetic and needs a family that will give her plenty of time to play and exhaust the abundance of energy she has. She is perfect for agility activities.

    She loves the mountain walks very much. But very often she gets a smell from wild animals and then she is gone like the wind. She always comes back, i just have to wait for her.... :hund4:

    Please, help me find a good, reliable home for her.

    Some videos:

    Thanks to two wonderful German ladies both kitties are now in a foster home in Germany, town of Beuren!
    I hope soon they will have a forever home too!
    Nadine and Anja, thank you both so much!
    Marion helped with the transport and I thank her too!
    Be happy little ones! I am glad we rescued you! Both of you are the sweetest and most charming little kitties!